As the month draws to a close, we wanted to share with you some resources on Reproductive & Birth Justice. You can learn more about what we've been up to by reading the updates below.
#2 The More You Know... September 2023 Edition
The better Birth Justice advocate you can be. Here's CVD's monthly list of terms to help you improve your knowledge of terms used in our birthing community.
What is Black Maternal Mortality, and Why Does It Matter?
Maternal mortality among Black women has become a significant concern in recent times. It refers to the higher rate of death among Black women during childbirth or pregnancy compared to women of other races. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) established the term to highlight the disparities in maternal health outcomes for Black women.
Urgent Appeal: Support CVDoulas & Leadership!
Hey everyone! This is Atena Danner, Board Chair of Chicago Volunteer Doulas. I’m here with an urgent appeal on behalf of the board:
I am reaching out today, because we find ourselves facing an emergency situation that calls for your immediate assistance. Long story short: through no fault of our team, CVD is missing critical operational funds and needs money in the bank ASAP to stabilize payroll and support our executive director who has been working to bandage this budget wound. We need your help to stop the domino effect of absent funds!
CVDoula Spotlight: Michelle “Ms. Doula” Sanchez
CVDoulas: More than a helper – We’re a Team – We’re Family
In this CVDoula Spotlight, Michelle “Ms. Doula” Sanchez was selected because, as a birth worker with Chicago Volunteer Doulas, Michelle (she/her/ella) is a well-rounded and educated Doula who displays integrity by promoting safety, care, love, and support for her clients. These clients include those who are either soon-to-be parents or those who have given birth and need postpartum support. She also provides support for those who choose to have an abortion.
Calling all Doulas to the Care Circle
Calling all Doulas to the Care Circle on Wednesday, October 11, 6 pm. Doula Care Circles are virtual gatherings for practicing CVDoulas.
CVD Doula Care Circles provide emotional support and encourage wellness, acknowledging that doulas are whole persons doing this sacred work that is mentally, emotionally, and spiritually engaging. These spaces are nonjudgmental containers that hold and bear witness to your experiences. As a whole person, you can also share about more than birthwork in these spaces cuz we all understand that life be lifin'.