veronica precious, ATR-BC, MFAW, is a board-certified community healer, art therapist, and facilitator for our Doula Care Circles, meant to bring about healing for the healers of Chicago Volunteer Doulas. This is a Doula-inclusive space, and all Doulas are welcome to join. Our next session is August 9th, 2023. Get registered at: (the link is case-sensitive).
Gentle Reminder: Supplies and art materials are now available for doulas who've registered for Care Circles. Supplies are complimentary (free of charge) and will enhance/deepen your Doula Care Circle experience. Please email Gaylon –– –– to arrange a time to pick up supplies at the downtown office, 231 S. LaSalle Street. If you are not able to pick up your supplies before our next gathering, do not stress about it, but please get them prior to next month's circle.
Twitter| @createhealshare
Instagram| @createhealshare
Doula Care Circles...
...are spaces for you to share your truths, vulnerabilities, wins, and challenges as you navigate the deliberate work of supporting birthing persons.
... provide emotional support and encourage wellness, acknowledging that doulas are whole persons doing this sacred work that is mentally, emotionally, and spiritually engaging. These spaces are nonjudgmental containers that hold and bear witness to your experiences.
... are meant to be familiar and accountable spaces where you connect with other doulas who can relate to what you're experiencing. These Circles are also spaces for you to share resources and skills.
Stay up to date with our progress by joining our Mailing List. You can also Be The Change in birth inequity. You can support our commitment to improving birth and reproductive justice and equity in a few ways.
Your one-time or monthly donation helps keep CVDoulas working to turn the tide on the disproportionate numbers surrounding Black maternal mortality and morbidity.
You can volunteer as a Doula or in other ways. We're a small organization doing considerable work. We could use all hands on deck!